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Somerset wedding photography

A summer wedding in Somerset for Rahul and Abigail

Many of my wedding clients arrive via refferals from previous happy couples. With Rahul and Abigail things were a little different. They met at the Big Chill music festival and posted a little request for pointers to Somerset wedding photography on the event’s busy discussion boards. I worked as a music photographer at the festivalover 5 years and while not based in the county, someone passed on their message to me. We met at their home in Manchester and when I heard their plans I knew it was going to be brilliant.

Wedding preparations

Things began early for Rahul’s preparations and then it was on to Abigail’s parents home for a traditional ceremony.

Hindu wedding preparations

Ceremony images

Creative photography weddings

Then it was off to the North Curry Church for the second ceremony of the day!

Traditional wedding

Relaxed group photography

Rural country English wedding

Followed by a garden party back at Abigail’s Mum and Dad’s home; the garden was stunning and brimming with flowers.

Reception wedding garden party

Fun packed photos

Evening party for guests and family

First dance and cake photo

Brilliant wedding photos

It was an amazing day’s work. I LOVE my job so much. Congratulations to Rahul and Abigail !

Useful links;
St Peter & St Paul Parish Church at North Curry – website
The Vicarage/Moor La
Tel: 01823 490 255

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